
Foster Children/ At Risk Youth Outreach
We visit homes of domestic violence, at risk youth and foster homes, detention and group homes, in the Prince William, Stafford, Fredericksburg, and Fairfax counties. We bring gifts to the children as well as needed items such as clothing, hygiene items and shoes. We also keep in touch with them throughout the year to show our love and friendship to them. During the holidays, we do something special for them such as our annual "Angel Tree" outreach when we fulfill the foster kids wish list with Christmas gifts that they would normally not be able to receive.
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"Jesus said, "Let the little children
come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these."
- Matthew 19:14

Teen Explosion Outreach
We Provide teenagers with mentorship, counseling, and an alternate way to have fun and fellowship with other teens in an attempt to keep them off the streets! We provide food, bibles, games/quizzes, talent shows, raffle prizes, and guest speakers. We hold an event called "Teen Exposion" annually at various locations. If you would like us to hold an outreach at your church or location, contct us! We also provide school supplies to children of all ages during the school year.
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