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About Us

Arms Outstretched Ministry is a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation established on November 01, 2006.Our ministry focuses on the care and needs of the homeless, elderly, wounded warriors, military personnel and families, veterans, soldiers overseas, teenagers, foster children and victims of domestic abuse. Our mission is to reach the community by sharing the love of Jesus through acts of compassion!
" Lord, please use me I humbly pray.
Let me make a difference in somebody's life today.
Let me be your eyes, to see their needs.
Let me be your ears, to hear their pleads.
let me be your arms, to hold them near.
Let me be your hands, to wipe away each tear. Let me loose myself, in your precious love, that I might be used today, with your power from above "
- BJ Brewer
Our Services
Our Sponsors!
We are incredibly thankful for all of your kind hearts and support to help us serve others

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